The Money Game

The Money Game

Details   This work showing capitalism's
scrabble for fiscal ascension bears a terrifying 
resemblance to Wellington's Rugby World Cup monument 
( except they've replaced the buck for a ball and have 
everyone wearing shorts.)
Year   2014
Dog Eat Dog

Dog Eat Dog

Details   bronze
Year   2014


Details   wood block print 
and acrylic
Year   2014
The Ambush

The Ambush

Details   line and wash

This work unexpectedly became a
political metaphor.
Bananas were rampant in this exhibition
and its opening.
Year   2014


Details   acrylic
Year   2014
Welcome to the Monkey House

Welcome to the Monkey House

Details   acrylic

This is a biggie - and the first time i'd tried
painting on unprimed, unstretched canvas.
Year   2014
Fun Times

Fun Times

Details   acrylic
Year   2014
King of the Jungle

King of the Jungle

Details   acrylic
Year   2014
The Protester

The Protester

Details   acrylic

...Has a definite Peter Jackson
Wellington component.
Year   2014
Steady as She Goes

Steady as She Goes

Details   acrylic
Year   2014
The Fixers

The Fixers

Details   Line and wash

...The commissioners who controversially
displaced the elected members of Environment Canterbury.
Year   2014


Details   bronze
Year   2014


Details   bronze
Year   2014